Louisiana Native Wildflower Seed Mix

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Louisiana Native Wildflower Seed Mix

from $25.00

Contact nevittii@gmail.com for large orders and contract collection. We are able to provide thousands of pounds for large projects.


62% forbs and 38% grasses. 87% local ecotypes. Our new and improved Louisiana Wildflower Seed Mix, with more wildflower seed packed into every pound. We are taking care to clean our seed better as we develop the techniques to clean dozens of species of native wildflowers. 1 pound seed bulk, .83 pound PLS. We are excited to be able to offer a seed mix for south Louisiana that is better than any other mix available. We are the only company to offer a true Louisiana seed mix as our mix contains 100% of species that actually occur in south Louisiana, unlike other mixes available. As well as being able to offer a mix that contains over 80% local ecotypes that are adapted to Louisiana. All other mixes labeled Louisiana prairie mix are that in name only and contain several non-native species as well as being comprised entirely of non local ecotypes. We are the only company to offer a true Louisiana Wildflower Seed Mix and now are able to offer it at a comparable price to other available mixes.

This mix contains a native Cajun Prairie and Gulf Coastal Plain seed collection fortified with hand-collected wildflower seed for the most diverse, stunning prairie or meadow restoration possible. This seed mix is guaranteed 87 % South Louisiana ecotypes of Cajun Prairie seed. And the remaining from the closest ecotypes available. This is a great seed mix for establishing a prairie on the gulf coast from SE Texas to Florida and Georgia. Our seed collected from South Louisiana prairie ecotypes has the genes needed to survive and thrive in the warm, humid and wet gulf south. We recommend 10-15 pounds per acre for small plantings and 5-10 pounds per acre for larger restorations over 3 acres in size. One pound covers roughly 3,000-4,000 square feet.

We recommend using the Select Meadow Seed Mix/ Nurse Crop Seed Mix to help your prairie restoration get established and provide more blooms earlier in the process. Nurse crop planting rate: 2.5-4 pounds per acre.

Planting rates can vary considerably based on soil types and levels of disturbance; generally richer and more disturbed soils require a higher planting rate than poor and virgin soils.

Sow on the surface of a prepared seed bed. Press in lightly to establish good seed to soil contact. Water after planting and 1”-2” every two weeks depending on rainfall.

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A machine collected little bluestem-dominated seed mix combined with hand-collected native wildflower seeds. This mix includes an abundance of wildflower seeds to help achieve a successful and beautiful prairie restoration quicker than the Cajun Prairie Seed Mix. The prairie is dominated by perennial native species that take 3 to 5 years to mature and flower. Only a few species will flower during the first 1-3 years. But as the plants mature their blooms will become more numerous and the plants will begin to multiply on their own. Choose a location that you want to remain in wildflowers for years to come. Email nevittii@gmail.com with planting or management questions.

Species included: Agalanis oligophylla, Amsonia tabernaemontana, Andropogon ternarius, Andropogon gyrans, Aristida purpurascens, Arnoglossum ovatum, Baptisia alba, Baptisia bracteata, Baptisia sphaerocarpa, Buchnera Americana, Chromolaena ivifolia, Coreopsis lanceolata, Coreopsis tinctoria, Coreopsis tripteris, Desmodium ciliare, Desmodium sessilifolium, Dicanthelium acuminatum, Eryngium yuccafolium, Eupatorium hyssopifolium, Euphorbia corollata, Galactia volubilis, Helianthus mollis, Hibiscus moscheutos, Hydrolea ovata, Hypericum cistifolium, Hypericum crux-andrae, Hypericum drummondii, Hyptis alata, Iris sp. X, Lespedeza capitata, Lespedeza virginica, Liatris acidota, Liatris pycnostachya, Lobelia puberula, Manfreda virginica, Monarda fistulosa, Muhlenbergia capillaris, Neptunia pubescens, Oenothera lindheimeri, Orbexilum pedunculatum, Paspalum floridanum, Penstemon digitalis, Physostegia digitalis, Pluchea foetida, Pityopsis graminifolia, Pterocaulon virgatum, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, Rhexia mariana, Rudbeckia grandiflora, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia texana, Ruellia humillis, Sabatia campestris, Salvia azurea, Schizachyrium scoparium, Scutellaria integrifolia, Silphium laciniatum, Silphium radula var. gracile, Solidago nitida, Solidago odora, Solidago rugosa, Solidago sempervirens, Sorghastrum nutans, Tradescantia hirsutiflora, Tridens strictus, Tripsacum dactyloides, Xyris ambigua, Zephranthes chlorosolen