Select Meadow Seed Mix/ Nurse Crop Seed Mix
Select Meadow Seed Mix/ Nurse Crop Seed Mix
(Previously called Adapted Meadow Seed Mix)
83% forbs and 17% grasses. 20% local ecotypes. A mix of non-native wildflowers adapted to South Louisiana’s climate and fast, easy to grow natives. Contains annual wildflowers and grasses as well as perennial wildflowers and grasses. A quick and easier growing mix for those who want wildflowers quickly and do not require native species. This mix will flourish quickly and provide a multitude of blooms for 1 to 4 years. After a few years bloom amount will decline and require supplemental seeding or replanting.
This mix can also be paired with the Louisiana Wildflower Seed Mix as a nurse crop. A nurse crop is a selection of species that will establish quickly to provide cover for the slower growing native perennials, prevent weeds from establishing and will fade out and not be able to compete with the longer lived natives as they establish over the first 4-5 years or your prairie restoration.
Planting rate: 5-10 pounds per acre, up to 15 pounds per acre for small areas. One pound covers 3,000-4,000 square feet.
Nurse crop planting rate: 2.5-5 pounds per acre
Planting rates can vary considerably based on soil types and levels of disturbance; generally richer and more disturbed soils require a higher planting rate than poor and virgin soils.
Sow on the surface of a prepared seed bed. Press in lightly to establish good seed to soil contact. Water after planting and 1”-2” every two weeks depending on rainfall.
See species composition in the images.